Everywhere Nokh and Orna turn they find resistance. However, in spite of rejection because of their beliefs, Methuselah grows in wisdom and stature. He brings great honor to the family as a lad. All agree his father’s prayer of blessing has definitely made a difference in his life.
Brothers, sisters, even more cousins, are added to the clan as parents obey God’s command to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.
The darts and javelins Nokh makes help them survive in their increasingly isolated world. Fish and fowl, herbs, leafy greens along with roots become standard fare for meals.
Exclusion from community life shrouds their home with danger. Messengers from Khman and his band of followers appear often. The tallest one who stretches his perfectly sculpted body speaks,
‘You must listen for the last time. Join us or leave!’
He holds one of Enoch’s own spears aloft in a menacing manner and snarls. Children cry. They sense turmoil and animosity among adults. Orna still wonders,
‘Have we made the best decision?’
Time passes! Little ones become young adults. The age of romance begins.
Flirty and sensual girls parade in front of prosperous homes tempting stupid boys. New philosophies and so-called spiritual advances of enlightenment surround everyone in this new world. Enoch feels helpless. His heart aches seeing his own flesh and blood slowly being drawn into this web of trickery and wickedness.
The noble sons of God take great delight in enticing any woman, sometimes groups of them all at once, with their physical allures and promises of pleasure. They repeat often,
‘Life is good! God wants us to be happy.’
But Enoch wonders,
‘Where is God? I have tried so hard. Is this really what the Lord wants?’
The thing that keeps him on the right path is his determination to do the one thing God has asked,
‘Bring the sacrifice to the altar.’
Abel, an ancestor on his father’s side, had died long ago because of the altar.
‘Will it be the death of me? Since God wants me to come to him in this way, I will continue to come to the altar.’
The meal of the offering is a blessing. Yes, the family feels closer to God and to one another when they worship and share the sacred meat. The blood belongs to God. As it pors out and trickles down the side of the altar, they renew their dedication to their creator. They burn fat, entrails, and soft boney things to ash. The hide supplies covering just as the Lord had instructed.
It is the will of God. As for Enoch and his house, he will serve the Lord with the fragrant sacrifice until God makes it clear that he has a different plan.