Lesson 63

Dave Wilcox

Lesson 63

INTIMACY “Walkers together with God form a tight bond of love with God and one another as they experience hardship, laughter, tears and exhaustion, and joy on the journey.”

Chapter 63 at walkerstwg.com

Read Scriptural Unit of Thought:

1 John 1:1-10, Galatians 5:13-6:5, Romans 13:8-11.


James 2:8


This website’s favorite devotional, https://walkerstwg.com go to Oswald Chambers at utmost.org


In a notebook write out all the different uses of the word “Law” in the entire Bible and determine which one we are called to follow today as “Wallker’s Together with GOD: As followers of God, we have a law we are asked to follow.